Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Understanding Online Business Success | Website Traffic Articles


By Mike Christie

Several years ago my wife and I decided to plant an above ground vegetable garden. The concept is relatively simple. You build a box to hold your soil and organic materials, and then plant your seeds. The benefit of an above ground garden is that you don?t have to dig up your yard and deal with rocks, roots, and poor soil.

We were excited to get started and made a list of everything we needed. Once the box was constructed, we layered in the manure, organic materials, and top soil. Finally, we laid out our vegetable rows and planted the seeds, topped with a light layer of planting straw, and watered. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing happened. Every morning as soon as it was light, I would run out to the garden to see what was growing. Every morning it was the same story, nothing. I was discouraged.

Starting a business from home to earn income online is a lot like planting a vegetable garden from seeds. You work like crazy to get from the idea stage to implementation. You create your business plan, design a website, find someone to host your blog, build an auto responder, write and track your ads, create content, etc. You are ready and anxious to make sales, and nothing happens. It is like your seeds have been planted and you are waiting for the seeds to grow. But it is not happening fast enough.

Like nature, ?growing? a successful online business from your home requires an understanding of cycles. The first cycle is ?startup? which is defined by frenzied activity that is new and exciting because you are taking a bold step towards securing you financial independence. The second cycle is the ?planting? of your business where you are initiating the promotional campaign necessary to generate a list of prospects that can be converted to loyal customers. The third cycle is the ?harvest? where you experience actual sales revenue and profit from your efforts.

The timing of these cycles is what I believe discourages many who start their own home based businesses with the best of intentions. For me, the startup cycle was fun, energizing, and exciting. I love to learn new things and this phase was pure joy. Same with the planting cycle; nothing but positive energy and anticipation. In the first 6 months of my online business venture, I brought in a total of $20. All that time, effort, and money for twenty bucks?! This is where my vegetable garden experience helped.

From the time that we planted the seeds in our new vegetable garden, it took 6 weeks of daily watering and plucking weeds before we saw the earliest signs of seed germination. From that point, it was another 6 weeks of watering, weeding, and pest control before the garden actually started to take on the look of a garden that was going to produce results. Four months into it, we started taking out fresh organic vegetables and putting them on the dinner table. The harvets cycle was very satisfying, but it took alot of patience and confidence that with the right effort, the vegetables would grow.

Back to the business ? Most people who have not had the vegetable garden experience would have given up after making only twenty bucks after six months. Not me. I knew that the seeds had been planted, and I was diligently watering and weeding daily in the form of email marketing and content distribution to build my subscriber list. True, six months may seem like a long time to not generate revenue from your efforts, but it really isn?t if you consider that the business can support you for the rest of your life. The patience and persistence paid off when the money came flowing in, just like tomatoes ripening on the vine.

Michael Christie owns http://www.CashflowAnimal.com
where popular home business ideas and opportunities are tested
rigorously to find out what works and what doesn?t. Visit
today for more info or check out our #1 work-at-home program at:

Source: http://traffic-generation-techniques.com/understanding-online-business-success/

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