Thursday, November 8, 2012

notbedidea4: Self Improvement Times: Time Management Tips ...

Time management tips can help you race around countless roadblocks that pop up. One of the trickiest obstacles you will encounter is Time Gremlins. They're very hard to see, so you may collide with them at full speed! They're particularly difficult to sidestep when you question whether they even exist.

In my experience, Time Gremlins are real. What is more, they hide out inside you at all times. You might envision them as voices of your time issues. You know you've encountered one when inner messages tangle your plans, sabotage your priorities, and ruin your pleasure in your time choices. Because they're not visible to you, their voices can often run riot, just below your consciousness. Unless, of course, you intercept them.

To neutralize each one, plan to take many small steps over time. As you become skilled in battling Time Gremlins, you'll be very pleased with the results! So let's begin:

Getting to Know Your Time Gremlins:

Your Time Gremlins occupy your blind spots. Any unexamined idea about time that you've believed since childhood provides a fertile breeding ground. So does wishful thinking. And their effect is universal. They steal your power from you! Worst of all, they feel like they're outside your control (although or course they are not.)

Here's a simple quiz to recognize these enemies of your time:

Quiz: How Do Gremlins Steal Your Time?

Pick the question that resonates most, and fill in the blank:

Question #1: What's blocking your path?

Answer: ________ keeps me from doing what I need to do.

Question #2: What never gets done?

Answer: I never get around to _________________________.

Question #3: What time traits do you judge in yourself?

Answer: I judge myself as being ______________________.

Question #4: What excuses do you fall back on when plans fall apart?

Answer: I would get everything taken care of, if only _______________.

Write down the statement you completed that affects you the most strongly. Then ask yourself the following question:

What can you do to stand in your power and change this statement?

Relax, close your eyes, and envision yourself living a dynamic new life script. Feel it down to your toes. Describe it in one or two sentences. Identify one gain!

Remember, with every loss there is a gain. And with every gain there is a loss. Weigh the price for more power over your time. Accepting this is the key to your freedom!

You are standing at an important crossroads.

Are you willing to weather the losses that come with important gains? By consciously committing to go the distance, you gain enormous strength to keep setbacks in perspective with what you will be giving yourself.

Now, how will you set limits on your Time Gremlins today?

Download our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond overwhelm, disappointment, and frustration. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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