Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 24 Latino Stories Of 2012

  • The Rise Of The Latino Voter

    Latinos became a new political force this year, growing to <a href="">10 percent of the voting population</a>. With GOP candidate Mitt Romney performing more poorly among Latino voters than any candidate since Bob Dole, conservatives found themselves scrambling to restart stalled conversations about immigration reform.

  • Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals

    Facing flagging voter enthusiasm among Latinos and a potential challenge to the DREAM Act from conservative Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl), President <a href="">Barack Obama told Homeland Security in June to stop deporting immigrants brought here as children who don't have criminal records</a>.

  • Marco Rubio Becomes The GOP Latino Leader

    While GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney bent over backwards to portray himself as an unbending hardliner on immigration, the <a href="">Florida Senator emerged as a conservative leader on the tough issue</a>. Many view his plans to propose a GOP alternative to the DREAM Act as the impetus behind President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals order.

  • Boxing Legend Hector 'Macho' Camacho Shot Dead

    In a case that highlighted Puerto Rico's out-of-control violence, boxing legend <a href="">Hector 'Macho' Camacho was shot</a> by unknown assassins along with a friend in a parking lot near a liquor story in November. He died within days.

  • Shakira's Pregnant!

    After denying rumors for months, the Colombian pop star admitted she was expecting and began <a href="">tweeting baby bump photos to her fans</a>.

  • Sofia Vergara Becomes Highest Paid Actress On TV

    The "Modern Family" star became the <a href="">highest-paid actress</a> in television in 2012. Along with her own clothing line, talent management agency, and her major brand endorsements, Vergara makes big bucks playing Gloria, <a href="">a stereotype of a hot Latina mother</a>, on ABC's "Modern Family".

  • The Hooker Heard 'Round The World

    The Secret Service found itself scandalized when one of its agents allegedly refused to pay call girl Dania Londo?o Su?rez the amount they'd agreed upon for the night, <a href="">catching the attention of the international press.</a>

  • Illegal Immigration Drops

    The number of people immigrating into the country from Mexico has reached net zero, though <a href="">deaths have become more common for those who choose to cross.</a>

  • The Rise Of The Other Castro Brothers

    As the party conventions competed to field the Latinos for prime-time speaking spots, Julian and Joaqu?n Castro of Texas<a href=""> emerged as rising Democratic political stars.</a>

  • Ex-Univision CEO Not So Committed To Immigration Reform

    Univision may be the champion of immigrants, but the company's former co-owner sure isn't. <a href="">Jerry Perenchio threw down $2.5 million to super PACs</a> backing candidates hostile to immigration reform.

  • Voter Purges

    While 2012 will be remembered as the year of the rise of the Latino voter, it will also be remembered for attempts by conservatives across the country to crack down on unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud by <a href="">requiring photo IDs to cast a ballot</a> -- measures that disproportionately affect Latinos.

  • Peace in Colombia?

    Colombia's government surprised the public by <a href="">opening peace negotiations</a> with the country's oldest guerrilla army, the FARC.

  • Puerto Rico's Misunderstood Statehood Vote

    In a <a href="">widely misunderstood vote</a>, some 45 percent of Puerto Ricans voted to become a U.S. state. The island will likely remain a U.S. commonwealth for the foreseeable future.

  • Arizona Immigration Law Mostly Overturned

    <a href="">The Supreme Court overturned several provisions of Arizona's</a> law cracking down on illegal immigration.

  • Obamacare Survives

    While states aren't obliged to extend Medicaid as much as President Obama would have liked, the vast majority of the country's controversial health care law was deemed constitutional by the highest court --<a href=""> paving the way for many Latinos to receive affordable health care. </a>

  • Ilegal v. Undocumented?

    Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and immigrant advocate Jose Antonio Vargas<a href=""> restarted the debate over whether the mass media should use the term "illegal immigrant,"</a> and broke some new ground with institutions including the Associated Press and the New York Times.

  • Sergio Romo Says He 'Just Looks Illegal'

    The Giants' World Series-winning relief pitcher <a href="">Sergio Romo grabbed extra attention for the illegal immigration</a> debate when he sported a shirt reading 'I just look illegal' during his team's victory parade.

  • Disney Can't Decide If It Wants To Portray Latinas

    <a href="">Disney unveiled its first Latina princess</a>, then promptly backtracked after getting dumped with criticism over the fact that the company chose to debut a Latina with a white complexion and auburn hair, rather than the darker skin more common among Hispanics.

  • Ann Coulter Insults Latinos With Poorly Written Column

    In a poorly argued column devoid of facts, frustrated columnist <a href="">Ann Coulter lashed out at Latinos with a bunch of unfounded insults</a>, proving once again that conservatives have a lot of outreach to do if they want to build support among Latinos.

  • Jenni Rivera Dies

    Mexican American singer <a href="">Jenni Rivera died</a> in a tragic plane crash in December while flying from the northern Mexican city of Monterrey to Toluca.

  • Puerto Rico Protests Violence And Homophobic Puppet

    Puerto Rico saw a <a href="">social movement against violence erupt after the murder of publicist Jos? Enrique G?mez</a>. WAPA TV's puppet La Comay angered the movement by insulting G?mez, implying that he had brought his death upon himself by allegedly seeking a prostitute. In response to the protest, WAPA TV president Jos? Ramos told HuffPost Live SuperXclusivo would be pre-taped, no longer running a live TV show.

  • Hugo Ch?vez Faces Cancer

    With an unspecified form of cancer, Venezuelan President <a href="">Hugo Ch?vez has delegated powers</a> to his Vice President Nicol?s Maduro and finished out the year convalescing in a Cuban hospital.

  • Victoria Soto Gave Her Life For Her Students

    <a href="">One of the heroes to emerge from the tragic murder of 26 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut was Victoria Soto</a>. Details remain fuzzy, but it appears that Soto hid her students in a closet while trying to protect them from shooter Adam Lanza. "You have a teacher who cared more about her students than herself," Mayor John Harkins of Soto?s hometown of Stratford, Conn. said, according to the Associated Press. "That speaks volumes to her character, and her commitment and dedication."

  • The First Presidential Forum On A Spanish-Language Netwok

    After Univision anchor Jorge Ramos argued that moderators for the Presidential debates didn't reflect the diversity of the U.S. population, the presidential candidates <a href="">agreed to participate in a "Meet the Candidates" forum on Univision.</a> Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney participates in a Univision "Meet the Candidates" forum with Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas in Miami, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

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