Saturday, March 31, 2012

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March 30th, 2012 gfdyreyv Posted in Other Stuff | 9 Comments ?

?Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.? links of london ?Aldous Huxley Goo tiffany and co bracelet d morning! When Donna submitted this quote, I knew it would have to be the subject of one of our Good Mornings. I think this quote speaks to one of the core issues many self- improvement programs miss. We can?t ?ignore the facts? as we strive to create a better life. While positive thinking is a great tool, if we ignore the facts, we set ourselves up for disappointment. To change our lives for the better, we must methodically work through our ?life clutter? while maintaining a positive attitude, realizing that we are taking control of our futures. A positive attitude shouldn?t be something we brainwash ourselves to have. A truly positive attitude is born when we take action, take responsibility, and start regaining control of the many areas of our lives. We can learn a lot by looking at the flipside of this. If our attitudes aren?t positive, then we can assume that we are either antique tiffany jewelry : 1. Trying to brainwash ourselves without dealing with core issues 2. Not taking action 3. Not regaining control 4. Ignoring the facts tiffany and co jewelry 5. Not taking responsibility. Those five ingredients are the mixture required for a lasting, positive outlook. Some might argue that our outlook relies on external events. In cases of tragedy, this is often true. But in our day-to-day 74 Good Morning stresses and anxieties, I would disagree. One of my favorite quotes tiffany jewelry sale has always been, ?Two men look out the same prison bars, one sees mud, the other sees stars.? In this example, the exte jewelry shop rnal is the same?but the focus of the two men is different. We control our outlook. Your Turn: Where in your life have you been pushing to have a good attitude without taking into account ?the facts?? Which of these five areas could you improve on today? 1. Not brainwashing yourself into a positive attitude by ignoring core issues 2. Taking action 3. Regaining control 4. Facing the facts or 5. Taking responsibility. What is a step you can take in the next hour in one of those areas? Today?s Affi rmation: I am actively regaining control of every area of my life. 75 Good Morning February 23 ?We are never given a dream without the power to make it come true.? ?Richard Bach Good morning! When my husband is traveling, my daughter and I often take turns suggesting a ?table topic? at dinner. One evening, my daughter posed this topic: What Makes a Champion? I had just fi nished reading Level Six Performance by Dr. Steve Long, which profiles the stories of seventeen Olympians and explores their secrets of success. While all the athletes used tiffany inspired jewelry various techniques, skills, and training methods, one thing remained constant?the dedication to the dream. Most great accomplishments aren?t found at the end of smooth pathways. They are found by climbing mountains, going through dark valleys, and treading through murky water. When we start ONLY looking at the mountain, or a dark valley, or murky water, it is eas knock off links y to lose sight of the dream. But Richard Bach reminds us that, ?We are never given a dream tiffany jewelry sale without the power to make it come true.? While we will get sidetracked and look other directions at times, we have to remember to hold the v replica links of london ision of our dream like we would a precious jewel. Think of all the people who have had great visions and dreams: Martin Luther King, the Wright brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, Walt Disney? the long and varied list is endless. Had one of these individuals chosen not to cherish their dream and nurture it, ou real tiffany jewelry on sale r world would be vastly different. Your Turn: What is your precious jewel of a dream? It can be simple or complex, but whatever it is, do not lose sight of it. The realization 76 Good Morning of a dream will have a profound influence on your home, your community, the country, or the world. Today?s Affi rmation: wholesale tiffany jewelry I am living my dream. February 24 ?I?m getting better every day in every way.? ?Joel Osteen Good morning! I have heard variations of this quote in different affirmation workbooks, and it truly is a powerful one to recite regularly. Often, we tend to want to do so much, in so little time, we push and push and push and tiffany silver jewelry then get frustrated with what we perceive to be shortcomings or imperfections. These imperfections can quickly consume our focus if we let them. Of course, when we focus on our imperfections, we magnify them and give them more power than they need to have. None of us will ever be ?perfect.? But we can actively be ?living the challenge? through daily improvement. Some days those improvements may be large, and sometimes they may be as simple as sharing an extra smile or word of encouragement with someone. Your Turn: Remember that w

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