Sunday, April 28, 2013

Self Improvement | Stanley Green talks about Resilience on The Self ...

San Green headshotStanley Green knows about resilience. Do you? How do you react when you?ve had a really bad day? What do you do when you mess up the big sale, or get in a fight with your spouse or your boss? What would you do if ?you lost your job to someone less skilled or knowledgeable? When things go wrong, do you sulk in a corner or come out stronger than ever, ready to take on new challenges? Why is it that given the same situation and circumstances one person will give up and quit and another will learn, grow and triumph? Do you deflate or bounce back? Stan Green will talk about this ?bounce back? factor called ?resilience? and tell us about an online course designed to help you assess your own level of? resilience and develop the skills to deal with life?s stresses and setbacks with greater equanimity. Don?t we all need this? To learn more go to

Guest Bio:

?Stanley H. Greene helps people build their resilience?their ability to bounce back after a setback of any kind. He is President of the PowerThinking Corporation, a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in helping large corporations and small businesses reach their full potential. He has improved operational and financial results for companies primarily in cable TV, telecommunications, TV programming, and the Internet. Mr. Greene is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the National Association for Minorities in Cable (NAMIC). His flagship program , Resilience Online, is an effective, affordable training program which measures and helps you improve your ability to turn life?s challenges into successes. Join us to hear this remarkable man talk about an ability needed in these times?resilience.


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