Friday, August 31, 2012

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Supersonic Flying Wing Nabs $100,000 from NASA

An aircraft that resembles a four-point ninja star could go into supersonic mode by simply turning 90 degrees in midair. The unusual "flying wing" concept has won $100,000 in NASA funding to trying becoming a reality for future passenger jet travel.

The supersonic, bidirectional flying wing idea comes from a team headed by Ge-Chen Zha, an aerospace engineer at Florida State University. He said the fuel-efficient aircraft could reach supersonic speeds without the thunderclap sound produced by a sonic boom ? a major factor that previously limited where the supersonic Concorde passenger jet could fly over populated land masses.

"I am hoping to develop an environmentally friendly and economically viable airplane for supersonic civil transport in the next 20 to 30 years," Zha said. "Imagine flying from New York to Tokyo in four hours instead of 15 hours."

The U.S. military's B-2 Spirit stealth bomber that debuted in 1989 represents the only previously successful flying wing aircraft, even though experimental flying wings flew before then. Zha's bidirectional flying wing kicks the general concept up a notch by essentially laying two flying wings on top of one another at a 90 degree angle, so that the aircraft faces one way for subsonic flight and rotates another way for supersonic flight. [Supersonic Biplane Design Stops Sonic Booms]

The midair transformation allows the aircraft to fly in its most fuel-efficient modes at both subsonic and supersonic speeds, Zha explained. Jet engines located on top of the aircraft in concept illustrations appear to rotate independently of the aircraft so that they can always point forward in flight.

Such midair spinning might sound unpleasant for people riding the aircraft. But a five-second rotation would only cause pilots and passengers to experience a "g-force" just one-tenth the force of gravity ? less than what airline passengers experience during takeoff.

NASA liked the idea enough to give Zha and his colleagues a $100,000 grant from the Innovative Advanced Concepts program. But the U.S. space agency does not expect such funded concepts to fly for at least another 20 years or so.

"We are inventing the ways in which next-generation aircraft and spacecraft will change the world and inspiring Americans to take bold steps," said Michael Gazarik, director of NASA's Space Technology Program.

The bidirectional flying wing aircraft could also lead to the first supersonic drones soaring over the U.S. homeland or distant battlefields. Zha previously pitched the robotic military version to the U.S. Air Force at an unmanned aerial systems conference in 2009.

Both the U.S. government and aircraft manufacturers also have begun pushing for hypersonic aircraft capable of flying more than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5). Aerospace giant EADS displayed one passenger jet concept at the Paris Air Show in 2011, but aviation experts suggested a ticket to board the flight would cost at least $10,000.

The U.S. has already begun carrying out tests of unmanned hypersonic aircraft, but with mixed results. A U.S. Air Force test of the unmanned X-51A WaveRider ended prematurely when the aircraft plunged into the Pacific Ocean on Aug. 14.

This story was provided by InnovationNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Follow InnovationNewsDaily on Twitter @News_Innovation, or on Facebook.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

France opens inquiry into claims of Arafat poisoning

French prosecutors have opened a murder enquiry into Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's 2004 death near Paris following claims he may have died of polonium poisoning, sources told AFP Tuesday.

The probe comes after Arafat's family launched legal action in France last month following reports the veteran Palestinian leader may have died from radioactive polonium.

Arafat's widow Suha and his daughter Zawra lodged a murder complaint on July 31 in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Arafat died at age 75 at a military hospital near Paris in 2004.

"A judicial murder enquiry has been opened, as expected following the complaint from Mrs. Arafat," a source close to the matter told AFP. Another source confirmed the probe had been opened.

The Palestinian Authority welcomed the move, with senior Palestinian official Saeb Erakat expressing hope that "we will reach the full truth on Arafat's death and who stands behind it."

"We hope the French investigation will satisfy our desire for truth, and that there will be a serious investigation to reveal the whole truth, in addition to an international investigation to identify all the parties involved in Arafat's martyrdom," he told AFP in Ramallah.

Allegations that the Nobel Peace laureate was poisoned were resurrected last month after Al-Jazeera news channel broadcast an investigation in which experts said they found high levels of polonium on his personal effects.

Polonium is a highly toxic substance which is rarely found outside military and scientific circles, and was used to kill former Russian spy turned Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko, who died in 2006 shortly after drinking tea laced with the poison.

Suha Arafat has said she backs exhuming her late husband's remains from his mausoleum in the West Bank town of Ramallah.

A Swiss radiology lab at the Lausanne University Hospital Centre said on Friday it has received Suha Arafat's go-ahead to test his remains for poisoning by polonium.

French news website on Tuesday published a copy of the medical report into Arafat's death and said his symptoms were not consistent with polonium poisoning.

Arafat was sent to the Percy military hospital in Clamart outside Paris after suffering from nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, acute diarrhea and an abnormally low amount of platelets in the blood.

Doctors at the hospital conducted a wide range of tests but were unable to determine the exact cause of his illness.

A few days after his arrival in France, Arafat lapsed into a coma and he died on November 11, 2004. No autopsy was conducted.

"The hypothesis of polonium does not stand up to scrutiny," Marcel Francis-Kahn, the former chief of rheumatology at Paris's Bichat hospital, told

"All experts know that poisoning by radioactive material does not lead to the symptoms seen in Arafat," he said, noting that he also suffered no traditional effects of radiation poisoning such as hair loss and a massive drop in white blood cells.

At the time of Arafat's death, Palestinian officials alleged he had been poisoned by long-time foe Israel, but an inconclusive Palestinian investigation in 2005 ruled out poisoning, as well as cancer and AIDS.

Israel has consistently denied the allegations, accusing Suha Arafat and Palestinian officials of covering up the real reasons for the death of the former leader, who led the struggle for Palestinian statehood for nearly four decades.

Following the news of a French enquiry, Israel said it "does not feel this investigation is of any concern to it despite all the hare-brained allegations made against us," foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.

"I hope this enquiry throws light on every aspect of this affair," he added.


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Wolfram Alpha - Business Risk Management - Garven

I would like to call everyone?s attention to Wolfram Alpha, which ?? is an online service that answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data, rather than providing a list of documents or web pages that might contain the answer as a search engine would.??(see ?I am calling Wolfram Alpha to your attention because I?think that many of you might find it?to be a very useful tool, not only for Finance 4335 but also for other analytically oriented courses which you might be taking.

A good example of how you can put Wolfram Alpha to use is given by the fourth question on Problem Set 1.? There, you were asked to determine the?cost minimizing size of a hospital (in terms of cost per patient-day).? As I point out in the solutions,?this involves determining the number of patient-days which minimizes Y = ?C /X = 4,700,000/X?+ 0.00013X.? Here, X represents the number of patient-days and Y represents the average cost per patient-day.? The answer to this problem is obtained by differentiating Y with respect to X, setting the resulting equation to 0, and?finding the value?for X which solves this equation.? The answer ends up being X = 190,142.

Although it is important that you understand how to solve these kinds of problems on your own, Wolfram Alpha provides a helpful way to validate your analysis.? Furthermore,?Wolfram Alpha?is easy to use because you input commands in plain English; e.g.,?if you want Wolfram Alpha to solve this problem for you, all you have to is type a command like ?differentiate 4,700,000/X + 0.00013X?, or ?dif 4,700,000/X + 0.00013X?, or ?derivative 4,700,000/X + 0.00013X? and then press return.??Let?s use the following command:?derivative 4,700,000/X + 0.00013X.


After you hit the enter key, Wolfram Alpha responds with the following output:


If you click on the ?Show steps? link above, Wolfram Alpha will show you the solution to this problem step-by-step:


Furthermore, Wolfram Alpha identifies two ?roots? for this equation:


These numbers are the values for X that satisfy the first order condition.? Since X = -190,142 is nonsensical, obviously the answer for the problem is X = 190,142 patient days.

You might also find it helpful to?plot the average cost function Y.? Since only positive values for X make any sense, let?s use the following command:


The Plot[] function will produce a nice graph of whatever is in the bracketed terms.? The information located within the {}?brackets simply defines the range of X values that you want plotted.? Wolfram Alpha will then return the following plot:


If you look at this plot, you can clearly see that the minimum point is to the left of X = 200,000; at X = 190,142, you have succeeded in scaling the hospital such that average cost per-patient days is minimized; specifically, Y = ?$4,700,000/X?+ $0.00013X = ?$4,700,000/190,142 + $0.00013(190,142) = $49.44.? Note that if you set X to higher or lower values; say 180,000 or 200,000, that your average cost is higher; at X = 180,000, it is Y = ?$4,700,000/180,000?+ $0.00013(180,000) = $49.51,?and at?X = 200,000, it is Y = ?$4,700,000/200,000 + $0.00013(200,000) = $49.50.

If you would like to learn more about Wolfram Alpha?s features, I recommend watching the following video:


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What would it take to have my own home improvement show on ...

What would it take to have my own home improvement show on HGTV or DIY?Reviewed by Homedesign on Aug 28.Rating:

AHG desk receive an email asking a question about What would it take to have my own home improvement show on HGTV or DIY?. I?m 15 now, but when I get older, I would like to host my own home improvement show. It would be entirely for electrical work, which is something I hardly ever see described in detail on the channel. In the first episode, I would show simple stuff like replacing switches, outlets, and fixtures. In later episodes, I would show how to add new circuits to the breaker panel. In a late episode, I would actually take the viewers from start to finish in doing a complete service panel upgrade (from 60A meter and fuse box to 100A meter and circuit breaker panel). I?ve never seen anything like that on TV before. I?m only 15, but I?ve done all these things myself on my own house, so I?m competent in the trade. I would like to be an electrician when I grow up.

Here my answer base on my experience?

Write the goal down. Put it on your fridge or somewhere like that and see it and think about it every day. If you do that you will bring it into your life. You have a natural talent for it and you already believe that you can do it. That is the most important thing. Besides that you are one of the few fifteen year olds around today that can write properly. Sorry I cannot give you specific advice. Good luck!

Do you know better? Leave your own answer in the comments below!


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jennifer Lopez's Old Miami Beach Home on the ... - AOL Real Estate

Jennifer Lopez Miami Beach home

Every time we see a home owned or formerly owned by one Miss Jennifer Lopez, we find it harder and harder to imagine that she's still "Jenny From the Block." This newly-listed $40 million Miami Beach mansion, for example, which she sold to health-care entrepreneur Mark Gainor in 2005, is but another example of just how far the singer/actress has come since her days in the Bronx.

Frankly, we have no idea why the owners are trying to get rid of Lopez's old palatial digs. Obviously, there's the steep price mark-up (they initially bought the manse from her for $13.9 million), which adds up to hefty profits. But personally, if we were Gainor, we'd probably just stay. With gorgeous, 150-year-old reclaimed-wood floors, original keystone columns, elegant palm tree gardens and a 6,000-gallon koi pond, it's a home that balances luxury with true elegance. And those massive closets bigger-than-the-average-New-York-apartment don't hurt, either.

Nelson Gonzalez of Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors in Miami Beach has the listing.

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Miami Beach Home Re-Lists for $40 Million


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Yahoo's new CEO finds her chief marketing officer

(AP) ? Yahoo is bringing in a new chief marketing officer as the troubled Internet company tries to burnish its image and revive its revenue growth under recently hired CEO Marissa Mayer.

Kathy Savitt will start working as Yahoo's marketing chief on Sept. 14. Mayer persuaded Savitt to leave Lockerz, an online commerce service that she has been running since 2009.

Savitt, 48, will remain Lockerz' chairman and also will make a personal investment in the company she is leaving behind. Mark Stabingas, Lockerz' chief operating officer, will replace Savitt as the startup's CEO.

The hiring announced Monday is one of the first major pieces in the management team that Mayer is cobbling together to help turn around Yahoo. Mayer, 37, became Yahoo's CEO six weeks ago, ending her 13-year stint as a key executive at Internet search leader Google Inc.

Yahoo, which is based in Sunnyvale, Calif., has been stuck in an extended financial funk that has depressed its stock. Mayer is the fifth CEO in the past five years to attempt a turnaround.

"Yahoo is at an important and unique inflection point in its storied history," Savitt said in a statement.

Before launching Lockerz in 2009, Savitt was a marketing and communications sharpshooter at retailers American Eagle Outfitters Inc. and Inc.

Associated Press


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All eyes on Isaac as GOP convention approaches

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney along with his running mate Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign buttons are displayed ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney along with his running mate Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., campaign buttons are displayed ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann, leave Brewster Academy after finishing convention preparations for the day on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 in Wolfeboro, N.H. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama waves as he walks across the South Lawn of the White House after returning from Camp David on Marine One helicopter, Sunday, Aug., 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Col. Oscar Poole, right, and Claire Simpson, both of Georgia, arrive at the 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee?s welcoming event for the delegates of the Republican National Convention on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/The Tampa Tribune, Chris Urso, Pool)

Missouri delegate Eric Zahnd, right, and his wife Tracy attend the 2012 Tampa Bay Host Committee?s welcoming event for the delegates of the Republican National Convention on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (AP Photo/The Tampa Tribune, Chris Urso, Pool)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney's Republican National Convention sputters to life with the lonely banging of a gavel in a mostly empty hall, hardly the opening splash intended for the nation. With a sprawling and strengthening storm bearing down on the region, the party hastily rewrote the convention script to present the extravaganza's prime rituals and headline speakers later in the week ? Tropical Storm Isaac willing.

Nothing was certain Monday as the storm carved an unpredictable path toward the Gulf of Mexico, forcing planners to compress four days of events into three and otherwise improvise.

It was a complication, at best, for a party determined to cast the close election as a referendum on President Barack Obama's economic stewardship and Romney as the best hope for jobs and prosperity.

From New Hampshire, where he and his wife, Ann, rehearsed their convention speeches in a high school auditorium, Romney expressed worry about the people in Isaac's way while predicting a "great convention" nonetheless. Other officials put on a brave face, too.

But Sally Bradshaw, a Florida Republican and longtime senior aide to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, was not so sanguine. "It's a mess all around and it's fraught with risk," she said. "It's not good for anybody ? particularly the people impacted by the storm."

The concern was two-fold: that Tampa, hosting thousands of GOP delegates, would get sideswiped by the storm; and that it would be unseemly to engage in days of political celebration if Isaac made a destructive landfall anywhere on U.S. soil.

"You can tone down the happy-days-are-here-again a bit," said Rich Galen, a veteran Republican consultant in Washington. "Maybe you don't have the biggest balloon drop in history."

Said Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman: "We're moving forward, but we are going to be nimble." Real estate developer Donald Trump, who had been scheduled to speak Monday, was dropped from the convention program because of the reshuffling.

Republicans hoped another distracting tempest would blow over, too, concerning abortion. The Obama campaign and its allies have doubled down in efforts to exploit remarks more than a week ago by Rep. Todd Akin, the GOP's candidate for a Senate seat from Missouri, that a woman's body has a way of preventing pregnancy in the case of a "legitimate rape." The claim is unsupported by medical evidence. The congressman quickly apologized but resisted Romney's pressure to drop out of the race.

Romney, in a Fox interview, said in comments broadcast Sunday that the fallout over Akin's remarks "hurts our party and I think is damaging to women," adding: "It really is sad, isn't it? With all the issues that America faces, for the Obama campaign to continue to stoop to such a low level."

In the reworked convention schedule released early Sunday evening, organizers planned a pro forma opening Monday afternoon, lasting no more than five minutes or so. Priebus was to gavel the convention to order, then immediately recess. Few delegates were expected to attend. In the only bit of convention-hall theater, a debt clock was to be set in motion, to tally the nation's red ink during the convention.

Speakers who had been scheduled for Monday were to start making the case against Obama, under the day's theme, "we can do better." That theme now will be threaded through the following three days, said Romney adviser Russ Schriefer, in charge of the convention's planning. "Even though the days will be abbreviated, I absolutely believe we'll be able to get our message out," he said.

The roll call of state delegations affirming Romney as the party's nominee now is to unfold Tuesday, an evening capped by speeches from Ann Romney and an assortment of GOP governors. Romney's running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, gets the prime-time spotlight Wednesday and Romney closes out the spectacle Thursday night, his springboard into the final leg of the contest. That's all if the storm brings no further complications.

So far, many delegates were taking the shakeup in stride. "People are pretty resilient, and people knew going in that there were some weather issues," said Pat Shortridge, the Minnesota state GOP chairman, from Lino Lakes, Minn. "I don't think it's dampened enthusiasm."

Weather was recognized as potential trouble when Republicans chose to hold their convention in politically vital Florida during hurricane season, a decision made well before Romney locked up the nomination. And it's clear that memories of Hurricane Katrina, and the failure of a Republican administration to respond effectively to its Gulf Coast devastation in 2005, are hanging over Tampa now. Republicans have been so sensitive to the political risks from natural disasters that they delayed the start of their national convention by a day in 2008, when Hurricane Gustav bore down on the Gulf, far from their meeting in Minnesota.

And it surely wasn't lost on Tampa convention organizers that a gathering storm gave Obama an opportunity to show leadership. As the forecast worsened, the president directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help.

"The president also told the governor to let him know if there are any unmet needs or additional resources the administration could provide, including in support of efforts to ensure the safety of those visiting the state for the Republican National Convention," the White House said Sunday.

Both sides grappled with how to conduct their politicking in the face of the storm. Vice President Joe Biden, who had been prepared to make as much political hay as possible over the Republican convention, canceled a campaign swing through Florida on Monday and Tuesday.

Polls find a tight race, and it's one that is likely to be settled in a small number of battleground states.

An estimated $500 million has been spent on television commercials so far by the two candidates, their parties and supporting outside groups, nearly all of it in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. Those states account for 100 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the White House. Republicans hope to expand the electoral map to include Pennsylvania, Michigan, perhaps Ryan's Wisconsin and even Minnesota, states with 68 electoral votes combined.

All four are usually reliably Democratic in presidential campaigns. Yet Romney has a financial advantage over the president, according to the most recent fundraising reports, and a move by the Republicans into any of them could force Obama to dip into his own campaign treasury in regions he has considered relatively safe.

Republican office-holders past and present said the economy is the key if Romney is to expand his appeal to women and Hispanic voters.

"We have to point out that the unemployment rate among young women is now 16 percent, that the unemployment rate among Hispanics is very high, that jobs and the economy are more important, perhaps, than maybe other issues," said Arizona Sen. John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008.

Bush agreed, saying that Romney "can make inroads if he focuses on how do we create a climate of job creation and economic growth." If he succeeds, "I think people will move back towards the Republican side," the former Florida governor added.

Obama leads Romney among female voters and by an overwhelming margin among Hispanics, but trails substantially among men.


Woodward reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in New Hampshire; Thomas Beaumont, Tamara Lush and Brendan Farrington in Florida; Philip Elliott in Wisconsin; and Alicia Caldwell in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Monday, August 27, 2012

The reasons why MSP programme management is good for business..

MSP (Managing Successful Programmes) is a best-practice guide from the OGC (Office of Government Commerce, an independent Office of the Treasury). It has been developed using the collective expertise and practical experience of some of the leading practitioners in the field. Managing Successful Programmes is unique in its status as a flexible generic best practice framework, and although it has been founded on best practice, it is not prescriptive.

MSP describes programme management as a ?pragmatic, robust management approach that will help organisations to deliver and realise the required benefits, innovation, and new ways of working that will ensure success with major projects and programmes of business change?. Managing Successful Programmes provides a business or organisation with the framework and strategies of programme management - in other words, providing an approach for managing change and delivering business benefits from a set of related projects.

A fulfilled project or projects are the keystones of success for a programme. A programme is made up of a specific set of projects identified by an organisation that together will deliver some defined objective, or set of objectives, for the organisation. The objectives or aims of the programme are normally at a strategic level, so that the organisation can achieve benefits and improvements in its business operation.

MSP programme management is becoming an increasingly important aspect of managing business change, whether it is within different parts of an organisation, across the whole organisation or involving a group of organisations. Through programme management, changes can be made within a company that is beneficial to the business, because change is always occurring within an organisation and a response is always needed, for example, as new processes or services are introduced or when supplier relationships alter. Change may be internal, such as improving the quality of products, or external, such as new government policy.

MSP programme management plays a major role in allowing projects to work in a certain way for the success of a programme, and organises people for activities in order to reach their goal. MSP is also needed to help organisations achieve excellence by improving practices, offering better services, preparing more effectively for the future and encouraging innovation.

Managing Successful Programmes is designed for nearly any type of organisation, as long as key personnel (normally a senior manager/officer) have had suitable training in MSP programme management. The MSP Foundation exam consists of 50 questions and lasts 40 minutes, and a score of at least 60% is needed in order to pass and proceed with the other exams. The MSP Practitioner examination requires candidates to demonstrate that they understand the application of programme management in a complex business environment. Therefore candidates should be familiar with the culture of large organisations and the measurement of benefits at a strategic level. The Registered MSP Practitioner qualification is now established as the premier programme management qualification in many parts of the world.

Personnel are trained in such a way as to enhance their decision-making power and work out the changes they need to make. As a result of the training, the whole business or organisation will benefit using MSP programme management, for example: a more effective delivery of change; improve control of costs, standards, and quality; provide comprehensive definition of roles and responsibilities within the business; provide a globally recognised qualification.

In conclusion, with the constant pressure for businesses and organisations to continually change due to internal and external drivers, there is a high chance of failure. However, MSP programme management has been designed to help nearly all businesses/organisations to succeed in todays competitive climate.

Learn more about Agile project management or employee engagement


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Construction Industry | Of course, a painting company is not ...

I know a general contractor, who runs his business based in the State of New York from his home in Florida. Look at McDonalds; Everyone can fill any position because the systems are set up so that everyone can fill any position.

Could you take thirty days holiday one? And have run your business without you? If you have systems can result in your business without you. The only way to really your business to grow to get from the bucket, so that you can work on your business, not your company.

A painting company is of course not McDonalds; but it can be set up with similar systems. I know because I believe established painting company like that. I create do not these ideas; I first read about it in a book called the E-Myth by Michael Gerber. The e stands for entrepreneurs. In fact, Gerber stipulates that most business owners have a business not a job or the job it has.

The key to growth is to develop a system that can run your business without you. Before I Gerbers book read, it seemed as if I was running 24/7, without interruption. This prevented me from growing the business. I had never, at any time, except fire put out to do everything.

I have two things that changed my view about my business and my relationship with my customers. The first thing I did was my rates increase and the second was to create systems that allows me to withdraw my business. My business was suddenly much more enjoyable. I could step back and see the big picture.

What a difference that really changed my life both of these things. Suddenly, I could spend time with my family. So if the job is no longer funny pleasure, then you try something new.


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UN green climate fund, aiding poor, to pick HQ in 2012

OSLO (Reuters) - Leaders of a fledgling U.N. green fund agreed at a first meeting on Saturday to pick a headquarters this year as part of a plan to oversee billions of dollars in aid to help developing nations fight global warming.

The three-day meeting in Geneva heard pitches from the six countries -- Germany, Mexico, Namibia, Poland, South Korea and Switzerland -- that want to host the Green Climate Fund, the main U.N. body due to manage $100 billion in aid from 2020.

"This first meeting was a very productive start," Ewen McDonald of Australia, a co-chair of the Fund, said in a statement at the end of the talks among the 24 board members working on details of how the fund will operate.

The board aims to select the host country at a next meeting, set for October 18-20 in South Korea. The choice would then have to be endorsed by environment ministers at U.N. climate talks in Doha in late November and early December.

"It is early days," Kjetil Lund, deputy Norwegian finance minister and a board member, told Reuters. "We have to get the right set-up first."

Developed nations agreed in 2009 to raise climate aid, now about $10 billion a year, to an annual $100 billion from 2020 to help developing countries curb greenhouse gas emissions and cope with floods, droughts, heatwaves and rising sea levels.

The long-term goal of the fund is to "transform the livelihoods of people responding to the impacts of climate change," Zaheer Fakir of South Africa, the other co-chair, said in a statement.

There was no discussion yet of the far more controversial issue of how to raise $100 billion from public and private sources. The fund is now empty and the economies of many developed nations are struggling.

The target of $100 billion "is on the radar screen, in the backdrop," Henning Wuester, head of the interim secretariat of the fund, told Reuters.

The board's first meeting was delayed by five months because Asian and Latin American nations took longer than expected to agree on their board members.

Focused only on practical details, the Geneva talks avoided stirring up deep mistrust between rich and poor nations about sharing out the burden of fighting global warming that has been a constant stumbling block at U.N. climate negotiations.

"The atmosphere was cordial," said Karen Orenstein of Friends of the Earth USA. But she complained that civil society observers were not allowed into the board room and limited to watching a webcast from a room nearby.


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Card Error In SDHC Cards Article - Medical Travel Club

Shaun Pattrik has 6 Years of Experience in the Software Technology researching with Stellar Info. System Ltd which offers Photo recovery, photo recovery software, Mac photo recovery and digital photo recovery. For more information please visit:

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1888 Articles Home | Computer Articles | Data Recovery Articles | Windows Articles Data Recovery RSS Card Error in SDHC Cards Author: Shaun Pattrik Article Tools: The devices, like cameras,christian louboutin, can use SDHC card if are found to be compatible with SDHC 2.00 specification. So, cameras with SD 1.0 and 1.1 specifications cannot use SDHC cards. However, when you use these cards, you might fail to access the stored data with certain card errors on screen. One of the possible causes for such abrupt behavior is that SDHC card is corrupted and needs to be formatted. But the backup concerns might create issues and can be resolved by using Photo Recovery applications.

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Mexico scrambles to beat egg shortage

MEXICO CITY (AP) ? The Mexican government is battling an egg shortage and hoarding that have caused prices to spike in a country with the highest per-capita egg consumption on earth.

President Felipe Calderon and members of his Cabinet have announced about $227 million in emergency financing and commercial measures to restore production and replace about 11 million chickens slaughtered after a June outbreak of bird flu.

Calderon says he's sending inspectors to stop speculation that he blames for high prices, which have about doubled in recent weeks.

Calderon said Friday that his government has already begun large-scale importation of eggs. He also said about 3 million hens were being sent to farms hit by the flu outbreak.

Associated Press


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Imaging study sheds new light on alcohol-related birth defects

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A collaborative research effort by scientists at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Duke University, and University College of London in the UK, sheds new light on alcohol-related birth defects.

The project, led by Kathleen K. Sulik, PhD, a professor in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies at UNC, could help enhance how doctors diagnose birth defects caused by alcohol exposure in the womb. The findings also illustrate how the precise timing of that exposure could determine the specific kinds of defects.

"We now know that maternal alcohol use is the leading known and preventable cause of birth defects and mental disability in the United States," Sulik said. "Alcohol's effects can cause a range of cognitive, developmental and behavioral problems that typically become evident during childhood, and last a lifetime."

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is at the severe end of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). First described in 1972, FAS is recognized by a specific pattern of facial features: small eyelid openings, a smooth ridge on the upper lip (absence of a central groove, or philtrum), and a thin upper lip border.

In its full-blown state, FAS affects roughly 1 in 750 live births in the U.S. And while clinicians typically look for those classical facial features in making a diagnosis, within the broader classification of FASD "adverse outcomes vary considerably and most individuals don't exhibit the facial characteristics that currently define FAS," said the study's lead author Robert J. Lipinski, PhD, a postdoctoral scientist in Sulik's lab. "This study could expand the base of diagnostic criteria used by clinicians who suspect problems caused by maternal alcohol use."

In their animal-based studies, the Sulik lab team has collaborated with co-author G. Allan Johnson, PhD and his group at Duke University's Center for In Vivo Microscopy. Johnson, professor of radiology and physics, has developed new imaging tools with spatial resolution up to a million times higher than clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These include small bore tools suitable for imaging fetal mice that are only 15 mm long.

To quantify facial shape from MRI data, the study team turned to co-author Peter Hammond, a professor of computational biology at UCL's Institute of Child Health, in London. Hammond invented powerful new techniques for 3D shape analysis that have already proven successful in objectively defining facial shape changes in humans.

In the study, described in the August 22, 2012 issue of the online journal PLOS ONE, Lipinski and Sulik treated one group of mice with alcohol on their seventh day of pregnancy, a time corresponding to the third week of pregnancy in humans. A second group of mice was treated just 36 hours later, approximating the fourth week of human pregnancy. The amount of alcohol given was large, "high doses that most women wouldn't achieve unless they were alcoholic and had a tolerance for alcohol," Sulik said.

Near the end of pregnancy, the fetuses were then imaged at Duke University. These 3D data sets showed individual brain regions, as well as accurate and detailed facial surfaces, from which Hammond and research assistant and co-author Michael Suttie performed shape analyses.

The team found that the earlier alcohol exposure time elicited the classic FAS facial features, including characteristic abnormalities of the upper lip and eyes. What they observed in fetuses exposed just 36 hours later, however, was a surprise. These mice exhibited unique and in some cases opposing facial patterns, such as shortened upper lip, a present philtrum, and the brain, instead of appearing too narrow in the front, appeared wide.

"Overall, the results of our studies show that alcohol can cause more than one pattern of birth defects, and that the type and extent of brain abnormalities?which are the most devastating manifestation of prenatal alcohol exposure?in some cases may be predicted by specific facial features," Sulik said. "And, importantly, alcohol can cause tremendously devastating and permanent damage at a time in development when most women don't recognize that they're pregnant."


Lipinski RJ, Hammond P, O'Leary-Moore SK, Ament JJ, Pecevich SJ, et al. (2012) Ethanol-Induced Face-Brain Dysmorphology Patterns Are Correlative and Exposure-Stage Dependent. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43067. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043067

University of North Carolina Health Care:

Thanks to University of North Carolina Health Care for this article.

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How To Avoid Common Chainsaw Accidents

How To Avoid Common Chainsaw Accidents
by Sanju kmr
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If you live or work in a rural area of Victoria, it's likely that you have a chainsaw in your possession. Even though these machines can be highly useful in cutting up firewood and removing large amounts of wood and debris, they can also be highly dangerous and cause serious injury and even death if the proper safety precautions are not taken. Use the following tips to avoid some of the more common chainsaw accidents from occurring on your property:

  • Maintenance: Always ensure that the chainsaw is kept well maintained, clean and oiled. A rusty or un-oiled machine is prone to kickback, which can cause serious injuries.
  • Storage: Make sure that your chainsaw is kept well out of the reach of children and that the blade is covered to prevent anything from getting caught on it.
  • Starting: Whenever you are turning your chainsaw on, you need to make sure that it is on the ground and that you have one hand on the handle to hold it in place.
  • Protection: Always wear the proper safety gear when operating your chainsaw, such as goggles and earmuffs. This will protect your eyes from flying debris and your ears from the roaring engine.
  • Hands: Keep your hands away from the blade at all costs. You should also wear strong work gloves to protect your hands from the chain and to give you a better grip on the handle.
  • Use: Whenever you are operating a chainsaw, you need to ensure that your feet are planted firmly on the ground and that the blade is pointing away from your body.
  • Fuel: Make sure that you only use the mixture of petrol and oil that has been recommended by the manufacturer. If you are not sure what this mixture is, consult your owner's manual or contact the manufacturer.
  • Cutting: Don't try to cut with the nose of the chainsaw, as this causes the machine to kickback. This can cause serious injuries, as the blade is thrown back towards your face.
  • Handling: Even when your chainsaw is turned off, you should ensure that you always handle it with care. Even when stopped, the blade is highly sharp and can cut through skin.

At the end of the day, avoiding some of the most common chainsaw accidents can be achieved by simply exercising some common sense. If the blade is able to cut through tree trunks and limbs like they were butter, of course it's going to be highly sharp and pose a safety risk to those who misuse the machine. By keeping the above tips in mind, you will ensure that all your cutting experiences are safe ones.

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Yao Gives Insight into Traditional Chinese Medicine

Story of Chinese character for medicine or drug

Epoch Times Staff
Created: August 23, 2012 Last Updated: August 23, 2012

Music, happiness, and herbs comprise the Chinese character for medicine. (The Epoch Times)

Music, happiness, and herbs comprise the Chinese character for medicine. (The Epoch Times)

The Chinese character ? (y?o) refers to a medicine or drug. It is composed of two parts. The top part, ?, is the Chinese radical that indicates grass and grass-related plants, including herbs. The lower part, ? (pronounced yu? or l?), is a Chinese character in its own right. It has two meanings: music, as well as delight and happiness.

These two parts and three meanings altogether give insight into how the ancient Chinese understood medicine.

Altogether, music, happiness, and herbs comprise the character for medicine as we know it today.

The character?originated from its lower part, ?, which speaks to the historical use of music to heal illness since Chinese antiquity, even before the discovery of herbal medicine.

Yellow Emperor?s battle with Chi You


According to Chinese mythology, Huang Di, or the legendary Yellow Emperor, who is revered as the forefather of the Chinese people, was once challenged to a battle by Chi You, the atrocious leader of an ancient tribe.

Blessed by the divine fairy Xuan N? to promote the virtuous and condemn the tyrannical, the Yellow Emperor was advised in a dream that only the deafening sound of a drum made of the skin of Kui, a wild ox monster that resided in the coastal East Sea, could defeat the metal-headed Chi You and his tribe.

Upon awakening, the emperor immediately ordered the capture of Kui. Kui?s skin was then used to produce 80 drums.

When the emperor?s soldiers sounded the drums on the battlefield, the earth shook in all directions and Chi You?s soldiers were knocked down, their metal heads cracking and in great pain.

However, several of the emperor?s soldiers were overwhelmed by the sound and fell unconscious as well. The emperor called for help from his music master, who hurriedly improvised a remedy.

Lifesaving instrument

The music master untied the strings from the bows of the emperor?s army and attached them onto a hollow piece of wood. He then took a small, thin piece of metal and gracefully plucked the strings, producing lovely music. Gradually, the injured soldiers regained consciousness.

Inspired by this instrument, Cang Jie, the official in charge of creating characters, constructed the character?for music.

The top half features the ? (b?i) character in the middle, with a ?string? on either side. ?, the character for the colour white, in this context refers to the plectrum?the small, flat tool used to strum or pluck a stringed instrument. The bottom half of ? is the ? (m?) character, which means wood.

Thus it can be seen that the structure of the character?is a skillful and perfect representation of the lifesaving instrument. Based on this early first use of music to heal the injured, the character for music was later integrated into the character for drug or medicine, ?.

From bitterness to joy

The Chinese character for music has a second meaning: delight and happiness. While the obvious relationship is that beautiful music can bring joy, joy has another relationship to medicine.

Medicine is characterized by bitterness, yet a patient is able to regain health and happiness only after suffering its bitterness. This paradox has its root in the ?Doctrine of the Mean,? the Confucian classic which teaches that to gain an invincible position one must determine and hold fast to the ?mean,? the middle ground between two extremes.

Such a view enables one to find hope amid adversity and to exercise prudence amid prosperity. From this principle, it can be seen why happiness, ?, is contained in the bitter medicine, ?.

The?radical at the top of?refers to grass and related plants, including herbs.

According to mythology, Shen Nong, regarded as the father of agriculture in China, sampled hundreds of herbs?to test their medicinal values.

He is also credited with establishing a comprehensive basis for traditional Chinese medicine, later compiled into China?s first book on pharmacology, called ?Shen Nong?s Classic of Herbal Medicine.? Thus it is appropriate to find the?radical contained in the Chinese character for medicine.

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